Saturday, February 23, 2008

Blue and White, Brown and Green

Blue sky filled with cottonball clouds meets snowy mountaintops. Wind blows streamers of snow off the mountain peaks, streamers sparkling white against the blue sunny universe above.

Crunchy yellow stalks of last year's plants sit broken on the dusty brown ground. Tiny beneath their bent blades, new grasses poke green shoots up to test the breeze. Fawns with fuzzy antler stubs rustle to find growth beneath the crisp dead leaves.

I am dusty, brittle and white against the warming blue sky, as winter begins to end. I invite the breeze to blow away the vestiges of snow that bury my joy. Blow winter off of me in sparkling streamers!

I poke my green hope up too early, to test for signs of spring.

I need a vacation!

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