Sunday, November 26, 2006

Alive & Blogging!

Well, fans, I've been distracted from blogging for a long time, by a combination of factors, including the crashing of my computer, travel, stressful events, and project overwhelm.
Oy, life can be challenging! Good thing I'm the type to make lemonade from lemons.

I'm in the process of repairing my Salon blog and updating this one. Soon this will be my one and only personal blog... so stay tuned! I promise there will be fewer bunny-related stories after this. These photos show our Colorado yard at the peak of summer beauty this year. High altitude desert and all, Gary is great at creating pulchritude on our land!

Don't give up... before long I'll write something worth reading again!

with love to all,
Wandering Willow


Karen M said...


Your yard and gardens look like a bunny haven... a haven for all kinds of other creatures, too, no doubt.

Thanks for leaving the note... so that I could find you here, too.

Bonnie said...

Welcome, Karen! Yup, the bunnies love it, and so do deer, foxes, squirrels, birds and the occasional bear.