Friday, December 08, 2006

Life ... has a life of its own

Just when I think I have a grasp on what my life is made of, Life happens. I'm officially putting in a request to The Committee For Overseeing The Life Details of Wandering Willow for a massive reduction in changes. If you please, Committee Overseers, a plateau of boredom would be much appreciated right about now. A week of peaceful boredom would be perfect, allowing me to get stabilized in the world as it is after the most recent tornado of change.

Unfortunately, another tornado looms just a little way up the road. I'd better put in an order for extra seat belts, as long as I'm attempting to control the uncontrollable. Learning from the jarring pain of sudden loss, I'm trying to prepare for the next one by beginning to feel it in advance.

I suspect that I'm only increasing my own discomfort. There are parables and wise phrases for times such as these, but I can't remember any at all. Maybe I'll just breathe one breath at a time and see how that works.


Anonymous said...

From one tornado dodger to another: I love you!

I know what it's like to want something else, something softer, more delicious, calm, inviting. I've had my hear of hell this past 12 months, and I know you share the same movement from one rocky cliff to another.

All my love today, sweetie. I wish for both of us to have some peace. xoxoxooxoxo times a million.

Carroll said...

Me too with the hugs and the love, Bonnie. Life just doesn't seem to come with an instruction manual, does it :(

fat_toad said...

a comedy titled LIFE